There’s good reason that producers of overseas projects choose their local shoot support with much trepidation. The very success of their film or photo project is at stake.
Whether it be while participating on a panel of experts at AICP meetings about foreign production or simply talking shop with producers the world over, the stories I hear from the trenches constantly remind me of how critical it is to work with a reliable, boots-on-the-ground partner.
Here at PSN we conduct a thorough vetting process before choosing one production service company to be our only Partner in each country where we provide local shoot support. We do the homework few producers have time for these days.
We chose to build our network with production service companies because we’d rather discuss how to downscale a company approach to fit a modest budget than call on a local fixer to patch together a solution that may not adhere to local legislation and come up well short of the guarantees that producers and their clients expect.
The Location Guide recently published an essay I wrote about some of the nuts and bolts of overseas production that can trip up even a seasoned pro. You can read it here. And you can always drop me a line for further insights on how to secure a successful film or photo shoot overseas.

Michael Moffett
Production work on commercial, long form, and factual shoots for clients from around the world during three decades is at the core of Michael’s experience. Highlights from his years managing production service budgets of all sizes for feature film, sport celebrity shoots, primetime TV programming for all major US & UK channels, and events as diverse as motocross and a papal visit.
This Los Angeles native with a traveler’s soul started his own production service company overseas to share with fellow production professionals the wonders of shooting film, photo, and video projects across Spain and Portugal – the sunniest corner of Europe. Michael is as quick with a smile as he is committed to no-nonsense production workflow delivering cost-effective, quality results you can see in frame. He founded the Production Service Network in 2014 to accomplish that worldwide. He manages PSN from his base in Madrid in Spain, Madeira in Portugal, or most anywhere he has an Internet connection.