T-Mobile | Encounter
T-Mobile | Encounter
Production Service in Germany
Client: T-Mobile
Campaign: Encounter
Market: Poland
Agency: Leo Burnett Warsaw
Production Company: Dynamo SP.Z.O.O.
Production Service: Embassy of Dreams
Location: Munich, Germany
Helmut Hartl
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Helmut Hartl, a graduate psychologist, former musician, former music and theatre therapist, and former TV director who founded a commercial film production in 1996 and a feature film production in 2003 with the best partners in the world.
[cont.] Helmut channels all this into his leadership of PSN Germany. As a member of ADC Germany and ADC /E, and founding member of the German Advertising Film Academy, he enjoys every day making films with his wonderful, beloved team.
80798 München, Germany
Choriner Strasse 6
10119 Berlin, Germany
80825 Cologne, Germany
Nothing found.
Audi AG | Wired X Audi
Audi AG | Wired X Audi
Production Service in Germany
Client: Audi AG
Campaign: Wired X Audi
Market: Worldwide
Production Company: Unit 9 Films, Ltd.
Production Service: Embassy of Dreams
Location: Munich, Germany
Helmut Hartl
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Helmut Hartl, a graduate psychologist, former musician, former music and theatre therapist, and former TV director who founded a commercial film production in 1996 and a feature film production in 2003 with the best partners in the world.
[cont.] Helmut channels all this into his leadership of PSN Germany. As a member of ADC Germany and ADC /E, and founding member of the German Advertising Film Academy, he enjoys every day making films with his wonderful, beloved team.
80798 München, Germany
Choriner Strasse 6
10119 Berlin, Germany
80825 Cologne, Germany
Nothing found.
Canon | City Surfers
Canon | City Surfers
Production Service in Germany
Client: Canon
Campaign: City Surfers
Market: Worldwide
Agency: JWT London
Production Company: MediaMonks
Production Service: Embassy of Dreams
Location: Munich, Germany
Helmut Hartl
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Helmut Hartl, a graduate psychologist, former musician, former music and theatre therapist, and former TV director who founded a commercial film production in 1996 and a feature film production in 2003 with the best partners in the world.
[cont.] Helmut channels all this into his leadership of PSN Germany. As a member of ADC Germany and ADC /E, and founding member of the German Advertising Film Academy, he enjoys every day making films with his wonderful, beloved team.
80798 München, Germany
Choriner Strasse 6
10119 Berlin, Germany
80825 Cologne, Germany
Nothing found.